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Academic Affairs

The purpose of the Academic Affairs Committee is to: i) Address academic policy concerns of the student body; ii) Recommend to the Student Assembly appropriate suggestions to be taken to the Administration; and iii) Ensure open communication with the CNU Administration by bringing committee proposals to the Executive Vice President for proposal to the administration
Kali Milazzo
Chair, Academic Affairs Committee


Investigating Academic Culture

Evaluating whether CNU's academic culture is good or overwhelming. Does it put students at a greater risk for mental health issues? Does the judiciary system play a role in academic success or does it cause stress?

Collaboration with the Captain's Log

Working with editors of the Captain's Log to publish academic section with information about study tips, time-management, where to find resources on campus, registration, and understanding college testing.

Course Access

Determining current policy for professors posting courses and syllabi on Blackboard, and seeing if a deadline for course posting should be established.

Creative Classes

Develop arts classes modeled after programs currently being held in Freeman. The programs will either be student- or teacher-led.

Integrity Module

Determining what final steps need to be taken in order to put the integrity module into action for the Class of 2022

GPA Incentive

Provide a GPA incentive program for undergraduate students; will be looking into the possibility of a President's List and evaluating current Latin honors.

Disability Support

Determining if the current disability support websites work best for students, and if they are easily accessible

GPA Calculator

Develop and design a weighted and unweighted GPA calculator on CNU's or the Center for Academic Success's website, with the ability to calculate multiple semesters

Library Concerns

  • Ensuring the library provides adequate computers, printing services, facilities, etc.

  • Study room availability in library and around campus

  • Extend library hours, or make times more well-known

Financial Aid

Understanding the needs of students: Do students have access to scholarships outside of CNU? Does financial aid provide a resource guide on the website, or a brochure?


Coordinating with the university registrar and determining main students' concerns with class registration for each class level

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